EF Invest specializes in long-term investing — and long-term relationships. We offer individuals, families and small-business owners a better, smarter, safer way to achieve their financial goals.
A lengthy track record of superior results and outperformance continues to earn the trust and confidence of our clients. We believe in independent research. We conduct our own economic analyses. We do not outsource investment decisions. As fee-only registered investment advisers, we adhere to the highest standards of ethics. There is never undue influence or conflict of interest: Our clients’ interests come first.
The firm employs an intelligent investing approach to weather all economic climates. Our philosophy incorporates three core principals:
A margin of safety ensures you take no unnecessary risk and always have a contingency for market downturns.
Independent research and analysis let us craft your portfolio with well-managed, profitable companies that are undervalued relative to their business fundamentals. These value-oriented securities historically have outperformed growth-oriented securities.
Because your life is measured in longer terms than “year-to-date,” we focus on securities that pay substantial, sustainable dividends and interest over the long term, resulting in financial security.
We pride ourselves on providing an exceptional level of service based on each client’s wants and needs, collaborating with other financial and legal advisers to maximize time and effort. Additionally, because we rely on our own rigorous independent research, we deliver an uncommon level of depth and planning in all areas, from the scenarios we illustrate, to the individual portfolios we create, to the Quarterly Updates & Commentaries we prepare in-house.
For examples of the types of detailed information sheets we offer our clients to begin their planning journey, please choose among the following:
Education Savings • Incentive Compensation • Retirement Plans